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歡迎您來到我們的網站, 在這裡您可以找到我們為虛擬遊戲所製作的 3D 場景等作品, 若您喜歡我們的創作, 請成為我的會員提早下載我們的最新作品, 謝謝!
Hi, I'm Ruby Red. I am from Taiwan. Welcome to our website. To explore more of our work, please join us on Patreon. 歡迎大家來到我們的網站, 希望大家會喜歡我們的3D作品與場景 ♡ 請勿二次分享與販售我們的作品. 謝謝您!

The Alpine Chalet Resort 滑雪度假村


A mountain hotel for you to enjoy a Thanksgiving Holiday getaway with your family. ❤


✤ 50 x 50 Lot

✤ 6 Guest Rooms 6間客房

✤ Plenty of activities 一堆的活動等你發掘

可放置於: Location: Granite Falls or Mt. Komorebi

使用的資料片: Packs Used: Snowy Escape, Discover University, Season, Island Living, Cats and Dogs, Get Famous, City Living, Get Together, Get to Work, Jungle Adventure, Vampires, Dine Out, Spa Day, Outdoor Retreat, Toddler Stuff, Bowling Night, Cool Kitchen Stuff.

*Please enable “bb.moveobjects” before placing the lot

請開啟bb.moveobjects on 密技, 之後再放置用地

*Note: Please make sure you have "Get Together" and "Outdoor Retreat packs". Without them the foundation may disappear.
請注意您必須要有露天度假與同歡共樂資料片. 如果沒有地基會無法出現.

**Note: I made a wooden roof for the build. The roof requires Island Living Expansion pack.
**我做了一個木頭屋頂 需要島嶼生活資料片!

2 items not included: 2個物件不包含 請另外下載:

Updated 2024/10/05



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