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Sims 4 | June: Paris City Build 模擬市民 4 巴黎市區與CC組下載


1. Paris City Part 1- Eiffel Tower 50 x 40 Lot

Packs used: Snowy Escape, Island Living, Get Famous, Seasons, Discover University, Cats and Dogs, City Living, Get Together, Get to Work, Realm of Magic, Strange Ville, Vampires, Dine Out, Cool Kitchen Stuff, Bowling Night Stuff, Spa Day,

2. Paris City Part 2 - 3 Boutiques (Bridal Shop) 40 x 30 Lot

Packs Used: Snowy Escape, Island Living, Get Famous, Seasons, Discover University, Cats and Dogs, City Living, Get Together, Get to Work, Realm of Magic, Vampires, Dine Out, Spa Day, Vintage Glamour Stuff

*Please enable “bb.moveobjects” before placing the lot
請開啟bb.moveobjects on 密技, 之後再放置用地

VD Dress Mannequin by Leosims not included.

Updated: 2024.10.05

Recommended: (Note that those downloads are not required for the Creation to work!)
I used the Terrains Replacement Mod by K-hippie. This is an override file. It makes the game more realistic. I used this mod in a lot of my builds. :)

Updated: 2024.10.05

Download Metro Sign [Free]  3d model conversion



  1. Replies
    1. Hello dear, could you please contact me via Patreon inbox. Thanks !

  2. I really love this lot, and I have downloaded it. However, the downloaded file only contains CC and mods for clothes and other items, and I can't find the tray file for the entire buildings. I have downloaded it three times, but the tray file still doesn't appear. Do you happen to have the file? I really love it :(

    1. Hello my dear, I am sorry. The tray files are available on my Patreon Tier 4.

    2. ahh i see, thank you for answering!

  3. hiii this lot is beautiful but i dont see the link for tray files 😭😭

    1. Hello Lola, thank you so much~ The tray files are available on my Patreon;

  4. Hello, I have just downloaded the CC. Could I have the Paetron link for the tray? Thank you

    1. Hello there, please download the tray files from this post:
      Thank you!

  5. Hi,I downloaded the CC but I can't find the bridge mod in the 1st part, may I know what is the mod or is it from any DLC? Thanks.

    1. Hello Allisbbun, I am sorry for the late reply. The bridge is an in-game object. You need to use the cheats: TestingCheats on then bb.ShowHiddenObjects To show the hidden objects.


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